26 Apr 2024


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Ps 103:7, prov 9:12, deut 2:3, 2 pet 1:20,
mk 13:37 If you are interested in getting to the top, do whatever God says.
What God says may not make sense but do it and you will be lifted. John 12:28
As we keep doing what He says, He keeps changing our levels.
Mk 6:2-3 The wisdom of God is the wisdom of MIGHTY works and not words. Prov 3:19, ps 104:28

What is wisdom?
Hearing from the Lord about your situation and doing it. Mk 7:24-25
It is the wisdom that stands the test of time and circumstances. Matt 7:25, 1 cor 2:6 -7
Every other kind of wisdom will come to naught depending on the circumstances.
2 Tim 2:13, deut 29:29 Access to GOD’S secrets will make a star out of any believer any day and anytime. Matt 13:43-46,
prov 23:23 The truth you don’t buy into will not profit your life.
John 15:5, 1chron 29:12, Matt 9:14
It takes genuine followership of His ways to be made. Ps 63:8 The harder one follows God the higher he flies.
You can’t win favour with God and lack favour with men. Lk 2:52

Don’t take any divine secret lightly, take hid until it produce in your life. 2 pet 1:19
We need to stay and stick to God.
When God moves and you don’t move, He leaves you behind.
Keep following both in season and out of season.

4 Ways to Access Divine Secrets that makes stars

  • The fear of the Lord Ps 25:24, job 1:1, 8-9
  • The love of God: John 15:15 When you truly love God, He reveals things to you.
    1 cor 2:9-10 , 2 Sam 13:14,
  • Through the ministry of teaching priest. Isa 30:20-21
  • Through the altar of prayer and fasting: Jer 33:3, deut 15:6

Vital Mysteries for ever increasing and sustainable business breakthroughs.

  • Mind your tithe : Gen 18:17, leviticus 27:30, Gen 14:23, 32:26, 28:22, 26:28, prov 23:7
    We are covenant made and not population made. It takes quality engagement with the PROPHETIC agenda to experience a change of story. Rom 8:31, mk 16:20
  • Kingdom promotion endeavours.
    Haggai 1:4-11. We need kingdom promotion mentality. 1 chron 29:12, 1 Sam 2:20,
    ps 92:13-15

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