2 May 2024


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2 min read
Prince Amid Adekunle, a distinguished fellow of the Nigeria Environmental Society (FNES), recently sat down with INN-House for an exclusive interview on the pressing issue of oil theft in Nigeria.
Sharing the findings of his early investigation, Prince Adekunle shed light on the severity of the problem and offered valuable advice to the Nigerian government.
According to Prince Adekunle, oil theft has become a significant challenge in Nigeria, with devastating effects on the economy and the environment.
His investigation revealed that criminal syndicates are responsible for siphoning off large quantities of oil, resulting in enormous financial losses for the country.
To tackle this issue, Prince Adekunle recommends a multi-faceted approach.
He emphasizes the importance of strengthening security measures around oil installations, improving surveillance technology, and enhancing collaboration between government and security agencies.
Additionally, he suggests enforcing stricter penalties for oil theft offenders to serve as a deterrent.
Prince Adekunle’s expertise and insights on this matter are expected to contribute to ongoing discussions and efforts to combat oil theft in Nigeria.
The Nigerian government will undoubtedly consider his recommendations as they work towards finding effective solutions.
We’re delighted to announce that we’ve published the exclusive interview session with Prince Adekunle, a renowned fellow of the Nigeria Environmental Society, discussing the pressing issue of oil theft in Nigeria.
Prince Adekunle shares his early investigation findings, shedding light on the severity of the problem and offering valuable recommendations to the Nigerian government.
This is a must-watch for anyone concerned about the impact of oil theft on Nigeria’s economy and environment.
Don’t miss out on the chance to gain a deeper understanding of the issue and discover potential solutions proposed by Prince Adekunle.
Subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell to be the first to watch this exclusive interview with a click of the link below.
An enlightening discussion that could shape the future of Nigeria’s fight against oil theft.

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